Cuchulainn Road Racing

MTB League Round 6 - Loane takes podium for the second week running.

20 June 2013

Tuesday 18th June saw round 6 of the Cuchulainn MTB league for the 3rd week running on the open mountain, the course, very similar to round 5 (8.7km in length) with a couple of slight ro

Gretta O`Connor Wins Louth Road Race Champs & Leinster Medals for the McCrystal Siblings

14 June 2013
With the summer sunshine & occasional rain, the racing continues to come thick & fast in Dundalk.

MTB League Round 5

12 June 2013

Tuesday 11th June saw round 5 of the Cuchulainn MTB league being contested on the open mountain for the second week running.  The course comprised of 8.7km of open mountain racing covering all terr

IRISH XC NPS Round 5 - Slade Valley, Dublin

10 June 2013

5 Cuchulainn’s travelled to Slade Valley, Dublin on Sunday 9th June to compete in round 5 of the Irish XC NPS Series.  The weather being what it was for the past week or so was only goin
