Cuchulainn Road Racing

The Bike Station Women's League

30 June 2014

With 1 round remaining this is how the overall table looks:


Win for McCrystal, 2nd for Coyle and 3rd for Mortan

23 June 2014
It was a good weekend on the road racing front for Dundalk cyclist's. The action started on Saturday in Newbridge for the Paddy Flannagan memorial.

League Round Up, Wicklow 200 & Sean Nolan GP

9 June 2014
As the summer continues so to does the FPM Summer Cycling League. At this stage 7 of the 20 rounds have been completed, the most recent being held on the Carrick Ardee circuit.

2014 Tour of Louth (Finishing Times)

6 June 2014
Number Name Start Finish Time
