Tour of Louth

Over 400 cyclists decended on Dundalk's  Fairways Hotel  for Cuchulainn CC 's annual Tour Of Louth. The club offered  two distances on the day, a 40km(taking in the likes of Castlebellingham turning at Dorians pub and heading out the Ardee link road towards Ardee itself,then heading back in the Dundalk road towards the Fairways Hotel our start and finish point for the day) and the longer and more challenging, 105km route, which.  continued on from the end of the 40km route along the inner relief road out towards the Ballymac Roundabout, on to the Carlingford Road, where headed headed for the now famous Jenkinstown Hill. Once the hill had been conquered the riders continued towards The Long Woman's Grave where most took a well earned break at the food stop, before dropping down towards Davys and making the turn for home, taking in the scenery of Omeath and Carlingford and the long but relatively flat run for home. A great day was had by all and the unpredictable weather stayed away long enough to make it a most enjoyable and successful event. Back at HQ in the Fairways Hotel, cyclists had a chance to chat and catch up, exchanging stories of the cycle over some food and a cup of well earned. Thanks to all the organisers, marshals and helpers[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"232","attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter size-medium wp-image-968","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"300","height":"225","alt":"Carrick Wheelers Tour of Louth"}}]] [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"233","attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter size-medium wp-image-967","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"300","height":"225","alt":"Tour of Louth"}}]].......see you all next year