Bingham takes the win in A4 Stamullen Grand Prix. Lorcan Kilkenny & Jordan Flood win Leagues

Alan Bingham took a fantastic win in the A4 race in Stamullen on Sunday last. Alan is no stranger to success in Stamullen, going as far back as 1991 when Alan took a bronze medal as a fair faced junior in the National Junior Championships that year. The race featured 3 ascents of the long & steep Snowton Climb, which saw the bunch split to pieces. Alan was in the thick of the action all day and approached the line for the final time as part of a select group. On the slight rise to the finish Alan put in a blistering kick to take a solo win.

In the A1 race on the same day, which featured 6 ascents of the same hill, Gary Sheils, Colm Quinn and Liam Dolan all came home in the main bunch. Quinn had had an active day and spent a lot of the race up the road but unfortunately is efforts came to nothing.
The first round of the FPM Accountants Summer Cycling League saw some 60 riders sign on. In the B league, twice former winner of the league, Jordan Flood took a solo win riding away from his compatriots in group 4. Meanwhile in the A league it as the youngest competitor in the race taking the win, when 14 year old Lorcan Kilkeeny rode away from everyone else in Group 1 for his first league win, in his first every league race! Surely one for the future.
On Sunday last Carickmacross Cycling Club hosted a 90km North East Tour. Fifteen cyclists from Dundalk took part and rolled out in glorious sunshine, however the weather took a slight turn for the worse when a strong wind reared it's head. Particularly difficult was the section along Port Beach when crosswinds coming off the sea battered the riders, however all made it back to Carrick via Dromin, Ardee and Tallanstown and thoroughly deserved the tea, coffee & treats at the end.