Lease Granted for Cycling Park in Dundalk

Cuchulainn Cycling Club's plan to build Ireland's first international standard velodrome and BMX track came a step closer to fruition on Tuesday night last, when at the Dundalk Town Council meeting it was agreed to give the club a 150 year lease on a site in Muirhevnamore.


The cycling park will consist of a 250m banked cycling track and a separate BMX track. Track cycling has become increasingly popular over the years with the exploits of the Great Britain Cycling team. Many can cast their minds back to Barcelona in 1992 when Chris Boardman won a gold medal in the pursuit event on a futuristic bike designed by Louts. The GB cycling team built on that success and had a massive haul of medals at both the Beijing and London Olympics. BMX racing made it's Olympic debut in London last year.


The growth of track cycling can also be seen in Ireland where in the last number of years Caroline Ryan and Martyn Irvine have picked up medals on the international racing circuit, and a world championship title for Irvine. Irivine has in fact been to Dundalk to visit the proposed site, where he spoke to the chief designer Gary Shiels of Shiels Engineering Ltd. Currently Irish riders must go abroad for training as Ireland lacks an international specification track. As well as a training resource for elite athletes, it will also be a great environment to get an introduction to the sport of cycling in a safe environment.

Speaking on behalf of the board of Cuchulainn CC, club chairman, Pat O`Shaughnessey said "This is a great step forward in the project, with planning permission having already been granted and now a lease for the site, it is all systems go to move onto the next phase". He also thanked the Town Clerk Frank Pnetony and Town Engineer Catherine Duff for their support.


The initial project is for both the cycling and BMX tracks to be outdoors, however ultimately it is envisaged that the cycling track will be roofed.