Tour of Meath, FPM League

On Sunday last over 40 members of Dundalk's Cuchulainn Cycling Club descended on Trim to participate in the An Post Tour of Meath, a 160km cycle taking in the finest scenery and hills of the county. While the tour started in beautiful sunshine along the way they did meet with some showers and wind from time to time, which made for tired legs. The food stop at the 100km mark was a welcome break, given everyone a chance to refuel with some pasta and sandwiches before tackling the final stretch for home.
With just three rounds remaining in the FPM Accountants Summer Cycling League the top of the table is quite tight. Trevor Kane, who suffered what may turn out to be a very costly puncture in the most recent round, leads the league with 1 point to spare over Alan Bingham. Stamullen's Gary Gorman is a further 4 points back with Richard Mc Mullen in 4th and Mickey Stokes in 5th. The final result may even be dictated by holidays as both Kane and Bingham are due to miss a number of rounds.
Road racing was held on Sunday in Donore, where the race contested 13 laps of a 6.4km circuit for a total of 83km. Cuchulainn had a number of riders involved with Colm Quinn and Aidan Cunningham been very active on the day, featuring in a number of break aways. In the end it came down to one mass sprint and Nathan McGreehan, fresh from his Junior Tour ride, claimed second unplaced junior.