Latest Round of IVCA Racing

Sunday 20th April saw an 7 strong Cuchulainn team head to the Curragh to participate in two races on the toughest course of the IVCA league.

In Race 1 Martin Gray, Sé Weston, Ray Fedigan and David Holland represented Cuchulainn.  A break going in the first lap ensured active racing with splits in the group of 60 riders on the steep inclines and recaptures on the the descents. All breaks were eventually captured, leading to a group sprint finish.  David Holland was the most prominent of the Cuchulainn riders participating in one of the later breakaways and leading the chase to capture other breakaways.  David and Sé were in the top 20, Ray and Martin with the bunch.

In Race 2, Team Jimmy Flynn, Dale Copas and Aidan Delaney were matched against another group of riders from Swords who organised intermittent breakaways forcing the Cuchulainn men to chase.  Again due the persistence of the cuchulainn team all were together at the finish.  Jimmy was best positioned in the top 10.